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His father was a drunk and a crazy one at that. one day he comes and and tried to kill Huck, but doesn't actually know. So, Huck decideds to run away. To escape from his drunk pap and so that he can just have his own rules. To be FREEEE!

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Huck found a saw in the cabin that he used to cut through the logs of the cabin. This allowed him and Jim to escape from their imprisonment.

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his father was an abusive drunk

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Q: What did huck find in the cabin to help him escape?
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What object did huck use to escape the cabin?

Huck used an ax to escape the cabin by chopping through the logs that blocked the window.

What did Huck's pap do?

Huck's pap was an abusive drunkard who neglected and mistreated Huck. He kidnapped Huck and locked him up in a cabin, aiming to extort money from him. Huck eventually fakes his own death to escape from his abusive father.

What does huck promise Jim?

Huck promises Jim that he will not reveal his whereabouts or help anyone looking for him while they are on their journey together. Huck assures Jim that he will keep their friendship and plans to help him escape to freedom a secret from others.

Why did Huck and Jim and Tom have to use the hole to leave the cabin where Jim was held prisoner?

Huck, Jim, and Tom used the hole to escape from the cabin because the door was locked and they couldn't open it from the inside. By using the hole, they were able to crawl out and make their way to freedom without being detected.

How does huck trick the slave hunters?

Huck tells them his dad is on the boat and has smallpox, so they should stay away. He props up his father's body in the cabin with his face covered and nailing a notice to the cabin door warning it was contagious. This convinces the slave hunters to keep their distance, allowing Huck and Jim to escape.

What does Huck use the wild pig for?

Huck uses the wild pig to stage his own death, making it look like he has been murdered by his father. This allows Huck to escape his abusive home and start his adventure down the river with Jim.

How does Huck expect tom to react when he explains his plan to free Jim?

Huck expects Tom to be excited and supportive of his plan to free Jim, as he believes Tom shares his desire to help their friend escape slavery. Huck anticipates that Tom will be eager to help carry out the plan and will find the adventure appealing.

Whom do the phelps's mistake huck for?

The Phelps mistake Huck for Tom Sawyer, which leads to confusion and mistaken identity throughout their interactions with him. Huck goes along with the mistake in order to help Jim escape.

In pap's cabin what does huck fake?

Huck fakes his own death by murdering a pig, covering the cabin in blood, and spreading hair and clothing to make it look like he was attacked. This elaborate plan allows him to escape from Pap's abuse and start his journey down the river.

Where does Huck's father take him?

Huck's father, Pap Finn, takes him to a secluded cabin in the woods near the Mississippi River. Pap wants to control Huck and his money, as well as prevent him from getting an education.

Who uses saw?

Huck does to get out of the cabin and fake his own murder

What does huck pray for?

Huck prays for strength and courage to follow through with his plan to help Jim escape slavery. He also prays for forgiveness and guidance as he faces moral dilemmas along his journey.