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Q: What was involved in the mummification process and the funerary customs?
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What were the jobs involved in the mummification process?

linenation , presevation & coffination

How where priests involved in mummification?

Priests were involved in every step of the mummification process including wrapping the mummy with linen strips and placing the internal organs in canopic jars.

What is the Egyptian process of preserving a dead body called?

It did not really have a name. It was the mummification process.

Is the process of mummification also called embalming?

Mummification is the preservation of the soft tissue of a body by any means, natural or artificial. Embalming is the deliberate preservation of a body for any period of time. This includes what we commonly term "the process of mummification" in Ancient Egypt

What is the process of embalming?

it is mummification

What is good sentence about mummification?

The mummification process is not quite complete.

Is mummification a noun?

The word 'mummification' is a noun, a word for a process; a word for a thing.

Was the mummification process expensive?

Yes, the process was expensive.

Where was the mummification process done?

in tents

Who was mummified in the mummification process?

It is Tutankhamun

What are the levels of mummification for the lower class?

In ancient Egypt, the levels of mummification for the lower class varied. Some lower-class individuals were able to afford a basic form of mummification, which involved removing organs, drying out the body with natron, and wrapping it in linen bandages. Others may have received a less elaborate mummification process or been buried without being mummified at all.

How lond was the mummification process?

70 days