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Q: What was life in the wild west like during the Reconstruction Era?
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Did any of the laws that was place or ideas that brought division between the south north and west during Reconstruction like elections bills and such?


What were the effects on black during reconstruction?

The effects on black people during reconstruction were negative. Often the blacks did not have a home, a job, or a farm to feed their families. They were dependent upon the few people who were not prejudice to provide them opportunity. Many moved out west.

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i think it was like the same life style as today. but of course remember about the slavery in western africa.

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Times were tough, many people killed themselves over the great loss of money

What West Point graduate became a provisional governor of Mississippi?

Adelbert Ames graduated from West Point, the USMA, in 1861. In 1866 the US Congress appointed him to be the provisional governor of Mississippi. This was during the Reconstruction Era.

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life in the west wasnt like it is percieved on telivision and films, they were alot more respectable. life in the west wasnt like it is percieved on telivision and films, they were alot more respectable. life in the west wasnt like it is percieved on telivision and films, they were alot more respectable.

What did soldiers do after the Civil War?

Most soldiers went back home to their families and farms. Some went west. A smaller number remained in the Army to occupy the South during Reconstruction.

What was life like in west Africa in the 1500s?

Healthy and flourishing

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It was the shizzle ma nizzle! lmfao.

What was life like in the west Africa before the age of European exploration?

west africans were able to fish in rivers and grow crops

What was life like in the wild west of America?

there was no tv's movies or radio's invente at that time