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There was an abundance of racism and segregation. If an African-American was lucky enough to go to school, they were forced to write their race on everything even on the inside of books. Black families weren't wealthy. They could barely afford to put food on the table every night, better yet buy shoes for their children and themselves.
well borack Obama is a African American

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10y ago
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13y ago

Black People Had to enter the backdoor of they're house not the front

There was different benches for blacks and whites.

Black People didn't have busses

Blacks had they're own movies/films

Blacks couldn't vote

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11y ago

Black people in the 1930s had few rights. They were still heavily discriminated against in jobs and education. Also segregation meant that the black people could not use the same facilities as the whites. The 1930s was a hard time for all Americans since America was in the grip if the depression which left 40% of all Americas workforce unemployed and the majority of black Americans out of work.

Further-more in the 1930s the KKK was still very prevalent as was lynching since president Roosevelt failed to pass an anti-lynching bill.

However it was not all doom and gloom with 200,000 jobs being provided in the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps). Inaddtion the outbreak of World War Two in 1939 got America out of the depression by rekindling industry and providing alot more jobs.

please note that this part does not relate to the 1930s but is however relevant to carry on the answer: at the beginning of the War all the forces were segregated and the black Americans were forced to do the worst and most dangerous jobs such as handling and transporting ammunition and clearing mines. But during the war a campaign called the double v campaign (victory at home and over seas) was started and aimed to provide fair conditions and pay in the factories and work places at home and over seas in the armed forces

the campaign was a great sucsess, At the start of the war black americans were not able to become pilots however by 1945 there are 600 black American pilots in the air force. Futher-more in 1946 the navy becomes desegregated as do the other forces in the year of 1947 and back in America working conditions and pay are becoming more equal. (sorry it went a bit to far in the future but hopefully it helps as does the start)

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14y ago

Growing up in the sixties was odd - I remember the doctor's office had a separate waiting room for blacks and I thought that was the weirdest thing. My black friends had to sit in the balcony if we went to a movie together, and we white kids sat downstairs (I wanted to sit upstairs with them). I don't remember my town having stuff like separate water fountains, but they did exist.

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15y ago

people form ther races went to different schools. If you were black you were not allowed to go to white schools.

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15y ago

Life in the 1930's were tough for both black and white people. Mainly black people though, that was when they went through the great depression...

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Q: How was segregation in the US during the 1930's?
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