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The Battle of Salamis was brought on by the Greeks in order to end the Persian amphibious threat to the Greek city-states. This threat made the cities keep their armies at home in self defence. The defeat of the Persian navy at Salamis ended that threat, and the cities were then able to send out their armies to unite and defeat the Persian army at Plataea, ending the Persian invasion.

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Q: What was one major battle from the Persian Wars and the role geography played?
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What is the site of the Persian war?

Greece. There were two Persian Wars. The First Persian War in 490 BC had only one major battle (Marathon). The Second Persian War in 480-479 BC had three major battles (Thermopylae, Salamis, Plataea). Salamis was a sea battle. The sites can be found on a map of ancient Greece, and possibly even on a map of modern Greece.

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Where was the first batte of the Persian wars at?

The first major battle of the Persian Wars was Ephesus in 498 BCE, when the Ionian forces, supported by contingents from mainland Greece - Athens and Eretria - were defeated by a Persian army.

Why are the battle of marathon and the battle of salamis so important?

They were major steps in persuading the Persian Empire to stop trying to impose peace in the Eastern Mediterranean.

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There were no 'major warriors'. This was a battle of armies. Do you want commanders or what?The Athenian side was commanded by ten tribal generals who took command in turn for a day each. The overall commander was the polemarch Callimachus. On the day of the battle it was the turn of Miltiades to command.The Persian commander was the Mede Datis with his deputy the Persian Artaphernes.

What were three major events or battles in the conflict between the Persian Empire and the Greek city states which was collectively known as the Persian wars?

The naval battle of Salamis 480 BCE. The land battle of Plataea 479 BCE. The sea-land battle of Mycale 479 BCE.

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The major components of Cultural Geography are Social Groups and Human Living (Geography.)

What was the last battle of the Persian Empire?

The Persian Empire ceased to exist after Alexander defeated Darius at Gaugamela in 331 BCE. There were subsequent major mopping up operations over the following five years in Central Asia, but the Persian power was broken and the Persian king murdered by his own people.

Major what of geography include physical geography and human geography?
