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lets see the effect of this matter is companiontion

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Q: What was one negative environmental effect on the agricultural revolution?
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An important effect of the agricultural revolution was?

An important effect of the agricultural revolution transformed access to farmed food. This lead to the commercial farming industry and the mass distribution of farmed food.

What are the Negative effect on women in the revolution?

it made the women more free

What was a direct effect of increased food production during Europe's agricultural revolution?

The invention of the plow.

What was one effect of the agricultural revolution in Europe in the 1700s?

Greater food production triggered a population explosion.

What effect did the agricultural revolution have on the growth of the human population?

population after the agricultural revilution (according to my history book) went from around 3,000,000 people to over 125,000,000 people

What are negative effect of green revolution?

The use of chemicals damaged the land and polluted rivers.

Are your lifestyles dangerous to the environmental?

It depends on how your live your life, but many people have at least some negative effect on the environment.

Is water pollution a positive or negative effect?

Water pollution is known as the most harmful, and serious environmental problems the Earth has. With it, it harms the areas of water of which contain thousands of sea life. Not only that, but as humans, it can also create such diseases to harm the human body's inside.

What is a negative declaration in real estate?

Negative Declarations are a determination by a city or county, under the California Environmental Quality Act, that a development project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment. It allows the project to proceed without an EIR [Environmental Impact Report].

Which was an effect of the of the industrial revolution?

global population increase

What were the immediate and long term effect of the agricultural revolution that occurred in the 1700s?

Farming methods improved, Enclosure increases Output but causes migration, and population multiplies.