

What was said by Newton when he discovered gravitational?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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"Eureka ! What hath god wrought. Come here Watson, I want you. That's one small step

for a man, but men will see farther now as they stand upon my shoulders. I have nothing

to fear but fear itself."

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11y ago
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Q: What was said by Newton when he discovered gravitational?
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Isaac Newton

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Sir. Isaac Newton discovered the formula with the universal gravitational constant.

Who discoved forces?

Sir Isaac newton discovered Force. He discovered lots of different type of Forces. E.g: gravitational force.

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He discovered gravitational force and established the three Universal Laws of Motion.

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Isaac Newton discovered gravity with the help of an apple.

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Newton first studies the components of colors in sunlight. Newton also discovered gravitational force and came up with the three Universal Laws of Motion.

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Newton in the year 1666 , also he said that colours were not introduced by the prism ,but they were components of white light.

Who was isaac newton and what important laws did he discover?

Newton discovered many of the laws and theories that not only furthered our understanding of the universe, but also gave future scientists the tools to discover how to enter space. He discovered gravitational force and established the three Universal Laws of Motion.

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Who invented the gravitational law?

Sir issaac newton invent gravitational law.

Why did Einstein have to find a gravitational constant?

The gravitational constant was found by Newton, not Einstein.