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the first popular scary movie was Frankenstein or Phsyco

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Q: What was the 1st scary movie called?
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scary movie,scary movie 2,and the rest but it is really called scary movie

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Yes however i heard that it wont be called scary movie 5 it will be called superhero movie, but if you type in scary movie 5 on google images it shows you all the posters and stuff for a scary movie 5 (the release date was suppose to be in 2008).

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The scary movie you are referring to is called Abby and it came out in 1974.

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The movie is called: Scary Dairy Tales!

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Yes it is a scary movie. It is a horror movie.

How do you introduce a scary movie?

You introduce a scary movie by putting it on a preview and or get someone excited on another movie and surprise them with a scary movie of your choice.

Is there any horror Comedy movies?

yes, there is scary movie scary movie 2 scary movie 3 those are all scary movie comediess. So is Army of Darkness.

Is there going to be a scary movie 7?

I don't know about a scary movie 7, but there will be a scary movie 5 and i like scary movie also the 4th one. Yours sincerly, Cgrahamo.