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their contribution on earth was to keep earth clean in a way.

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Q: What was the archaebacteria contribution to life on earth?
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How long has archaebacteria been on earth?

how long has archaebacteria been on earth? how long has archaebacteria been on earth?

Why are scientists who are searching for life on other planets studying Archae bateria?

Archaebacteria are the oldest and most primitive forms of life on planet Earth. It is postulated that primitive life on other planets would be most likely to resemble Archaebacteria. In addition, Archaebacteria were the first life forms to exist on Earth, so studying them allows xenobiologists to postulate how life may come into being on other planets.

Are archaebacteria simple or complex?

Archaebacteria are some of the oldest organisms living on Earth. They are considered simple because of their external body structure.

What domains of life contain prokaryote?

Eubacteria ans Archaebacteria

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Atmosphere makes huge efforts. It is the one because of which life sustains.

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What are the energy sources of Archaebacteria?

It's sulfur

The archaebacteria were probably the first what?

they were probably the first multicelluar life- forms

What are characteristics of archaebacteria?

Archaebacteria are unicellular prokaryotes that are the oldest living organisms on Earth. Some characteristics include survival in oxygen-free environments, being extremophiles and reproduction is asexual.

Which domain consists of prokaryotic organisms that thrive in earth's harshest environments?

The answer is Archaea trust me i have been looking it up

Did archaebacteria play any role in the development of earth in the very beginning?

According to the books archaebacteria was thought to be the first living being existing when the earth was cooling down initially. they were the methanogenic, thermophillic and most chiefly were anaerobic. Would these characteristics have been helped the earth to create its present environment?