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The benifet of instituting the common law was so that the people voted on laws not just a ruler or noble.

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Q: What was the benefit of instituting the common law?
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What is the definition of the common law?

Common Law Marriage simply means that the marriage was established without benefit of a license and ceremony.Common-law marriage, also known as non-ceremonial marriage.

What is the definition of common law marriage?

Common Law Marriage simply means that the marriage was established without benefit of a license and ceremony.Common-law marriage, also known as non-ceremonial marriage.

What is the verb form of benefit?

Benefit can be a verb. We both benefit from the new law changes

You are automatically married by common law after five years in most states such as New York and California why cant you be divorced the same way?

Your statement is incorrect. You are not automatically married in any state after five years. New York and California do not recognize common law marriage at all. Common law marriage is recognized in very few states and there are requirements that must be met. The reason you must get divorced if you have a legal common law marriage is because you have chosen to benefit from the legal benefits of marriage so if you want to dissolve the marriage you must do it legally.See the related link for the states that recognize common law marriage.Your statement is incorrect. You are not automatically married in any state after five years. New York and California do not recognize common law marriage at all. Common law marriage is recognized in very few states and there are requirements that must be met. The reason you must get divorced if you have a legal common law marriage is because you have chosen to benefit from the legal benefits of marriage so if you want to dissolve the marriage you must do it legally.See the related link for the states that recognize common law marriage.Your statement is incorrect. You are not automatically married in any state after five years. New York and California do not recognize common law marriage at all. Common law marriage is recognized in very few states and there are requirements that must be met. The reason you must get divorced if you have a legal common law marriage is because you have chosen to benefit from the legal benefits of marriage so if you want to dissolve the marriage you must do it legally.See the related link for the states that recognize common law marriage.Your statement is incorrect. You are not automatically married in any state after five years. New York and California do not recognize common law marriage at all. Common law marriage is recognized in very few states and there are requirements that must be met. The reason you must get divorced if you have a legal common law marriage is because you have chosen to benefit from the legal benefits of marriage so if you want to dissolve the marriage you must do it legally.See the related link for the states that recognize common law marriage.

If someone died intestate but you know house was bought as tenants in common because they did NOT want their common law partner to benefit how do you find out if the mortgage insurance paid?

You'd have to get that information from the mortgagee.

What is the most common type of employee benefit?

Health care is the most common type of employee benefit.

What impact did common law have on the US?

US common law formed from English common law

How was law handled by vigilantes?

Swiftly and without benefit of following the procedures of the law.

How does the common law relate to the law in Ghana?

how does the common law relate to the law in Ghana

What is a system of law based on precendents and customs called?

Common law focus' on precedent and makes decisions based on previous similar cases- although I'm not sure if "custom" falls into the same category

Does Connecticut honor Common Law Marriages?

No. Connecticut does not recognize common law marriage.No. Connecticut does not recognize common law marriage.No. Connecticut does not recognize common law marriage.No. Connecticut does not recognize common law marriage.

What impact did the English common law have on the US?

US common law formed from English common law