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Q: What was the earliest change in the lifestyles of prehistoric people caused by the Neolithic revolution and Agricultural revolution?
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The first development of agricultural practices is called the revolution?

The Neolithic Revolution was the first agricultural revolution

What revolution took place during the neolithic revolutions?

The farming revolution took place during the Neolithic Age.

What is the difference between the Neolithic Revolution and the agrarian revolution?

The Neolithic Revolution was a gradual revolution that led to the discovery of agricultural techniques and as a result boundaries, rules, and eventually a settled life style.The Agrarian Revolution emerged out of the Neolithic Revolution and is marked by using agricultural techniques to produce food to survive. I believe it ended only when the Industrial Revolution took its place.

Neolithic revolution refers to time when early humans?

started to farm and when the agricultural revolution started

What was neolithic agricultural revolution?

The revolution that occurred in the neolithic age. The shift from hunting of animals and the gathering of food to the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis.

What was the agricultural Neolithic revolution?

The revolution that occurred in the neolithic age. The shift from hunting of animals and the gathering of food to the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis.

Did The Neolithic agricultural revolution increase in trade between groups of people?


How did the agricultural revolution of the Neolithic Age affect lifestyle?

It Created Settled Communities, :)

How did hunter gathers become farmers?

Look up "The Neolithic Agricultural Revolution"

Which of these statements represents a fact rather than an opinion that could be used to support an essay about the Neolithic Revolution?

the first agricultural societies developed during the Neolithic Revolution.

What was the basis of man's society before the Neolithic Revolution?

Human societies were based on nomadic lifestyles, as hunter-gatherers.

What development of the Neolithic Age is called a revolution?

It is the change of human societies from Hunter-Gatherer to Agricultural.