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Helen Keller was first recognized for teaching other blind children to read.

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Q: What was the first thing Helen Keller was recognized for?
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Did Helen Keller do thing that other kids did?

yes many

Can you list one thing about Helen Keller's education?

Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 and died on June 1, 1968. Keller began attending the Perkins Institute for the Blind in 1888.

What is Helen Keller's favorite food?

Hellen Keller loved Hot Dogs. No Helen Keller loved sassage. It was her favorite thing to eat. She would steel if off of plates when she was little, because she didn't know better.

What was the most special thing that Helen Keller did?

Go to college. She graduated from Radcliffe College.

What was Helen kellers favorite thing to touch?

Helen Keller's favorite thing to touch was the vibrations from music, especially through feeling the rhythms and melodies through her hands.

Who taught the deaf and blind?

Helen Keller, who was deaf and blind herself, was taught by Anne Sullivan. Anne Sullivan used tactile sign language to teach Helen Keller to communicate and learn, ultimately helping Helen overcome her disabilities and become a renowned author and activist.

Did Helen Keller wear bonnet?

no she did not wear makeup because in the old days there were no such thing as makeup when she was alive in the old days.

What is Helen's favorite food?

Hellen Keller loved Hot Dogs. No Helen Keller loved sassage. It was her favorite thing to eat. She would steel if off of plates when she was little, because she didn't know better.

What was Helen Keller's favorite candy?

There is no definitive information on Helen Keller's favorite candy.

Did Helen Keller want to be like Anne Sullivan?

because she could see in world and do any thing

What was the first word Helen Keller understood as both a combination of certain physical thing?

The first word Helen Keller understood as a combination of a physical object and its symbolic meaning was "water." This breakthrough moment occurred when her teacher, Anne Sullivan, spelled out the word into her hand while running water over her other hand. Helen made the connection between the sensation of water and the word symbolizing it.

What skills did Helen Keller learn?

Helen Keller learned to communicate through sign language, braille, and speech. She also learned to read, write, and engage in public speaking, becoming an advocate for individuals with disabilities. Additionally, she acquired skills in music and sewing.