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The Greek gods were collectively known as the Pantheon, which in Greek means all gods.

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Q: What was the group of gods called that the Greeks believed in?
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Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses could speak to them in?

the Greeks believed that the gods would speak to them in there dreams

What role did Greeks believed their gods and goddesses played in daily life?

the Greeks believed their gods and goddesses controlled everything.

What are special sites that Greeks visited where they believed gods were housed?

I believe that they were called shrines.

What was the Greeks belief about gods?

They believed in many Gods (monotheism).

Greeks believed that gods and goddess could speak to them at?

The Greeks believed that gods and goddesses communicated with them through omens, dreams, and oracles such as the Oracle of Delphi. They saw these messages as guidance and instructions from the divine realm.

Did the Greeks have a story about how the gods die?

No, Greeks believed that their gods were immortal, as every people believe for their god.

What did the Greeks and Romans believe in?

The Greeks and Romans believed that that gods controlled the world.

What where the religious beliefs of ancient Greeks?

Greek gods. The ancient Greeks believed in gods that lived on mt Olympus.

Blood of the gods in Greek mythology?

The ancient Greeks believed that the gods had "Golden Blood" or ichor running through their veins instead of regular blood like mortals.

Two gods that the people in ancient Greece believed in?

Zeus and Hades were gods that the ancient Greeks believed in, and several others were believed by them as well.

Is it true that Greeks believed in gods?

Yes, the ancient Greeks believed in multiple gods. They believed that these gods controlled various aspects of the world and had distinct personalities and powers. The most well-known Greek gods include Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Apollo, and Aphrodite.

What role did Greeks believe their gods plated in daily life?

Greeks believed that gods represented daily events such as rain and sunshine.