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Q: What was the hope of the deists in regard to Christianity?
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The Greek Orthodox regard themselves as the Original Christianity.

What did the Deists see God as?

Deists believe that God created the universe but hasn't interacted since.

Why are deism and Christianity incompatible?

Deism is a belief that there is a Creator, but that after the act of creation he took no further interest in his creation. The whole essence of Christianity, in all its forms, is that God is interested in our welfare and does intercede. Some of the Founding Fathers of the United States are believed to have been deists.

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What is the diluted Christianity of the Enlightenment was called?

The diluted Christianity of the Enlightenment was often referred to as Deism, a belief system that emphasized reason, natural law, and the existence of a creator based on scientific observation rather than traditional religious doctrines. Deists rejected supernatural aspects of Christianity such as miracles and divine intervention.

What are the Christian holy cities?

This depends on the denomination of Christianity, but some denominations regard Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and/or Nazareth as holy. Others also regard Vatican City as holy.

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Did Deists abandon the core beliefs of Christianity?

A:Deists believe that there must be a creator God, but that he takes no further interest in his creation, does not require us to worship him, performs no miracles and does not promise any afterlife.Based on the Christian concept of a creator God, Deism has therefore abandoned almost every other belief of Christianity.

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Christianity, I hope. Although some say Christianity and football.

How did Portuguese sailors hope to change the people they met on their voyage?

by converting them to Christianity

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What did Deists argue?

About who had big