

What was the impact of the Japan earthquake?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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10y ago

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18000+ deaths, 145000+ injuries, radiation leaks, up to 25 trillion Yen worth of damages

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Q: What was the impact of the Japan earthquake?
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Japan was effected strongly by the earthquake that hit Japan on the 11th of March 2011. Many lives, jobs, buildings and homes were lost. A tsunami also occurred because of the earthquake. Nuclear power plants suffered from leakage, and the radiation still needs to be completely cleaned up.

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A tsunami hit japan after the earthquake.

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The earthquake of Japan occured because Japan is on a major fault line.

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It depends on the earthquake you are talking about. Many have occurred in Japan. The most recent is the 2011 earthquake.

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Is Japan earthquake 2011 the biggest earthquake in the world?

No. The earthquake that caused the Tsunami in Indonesia in 2004 was a bigger earthquake than the one that hit Japan.

Was the 2011 Japan earthquake a transform earthquake?

No. The March 2011 earthquake in japan was along a convergent boundary, and triggered by subduction.