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*One of the most important influences was the philosophy of John Locke (1630-1702). He was a liberal (in a non-party sense). *Another key British influence was the 'liberties' that Britons **thought** that they traditionally enjoyed. In fact, these were fewer and less secure than supposed. Obvious example include habeas corpus, the right to trial by jury, the rule of law. *Some assumptions and provisions included in the English Bill of Rights (1689) were adopted in the U.S. Bill of Rights. *There were also important negative influences from Britain, such as the problems of have a church established by law. *There was significant influence from some French political philosophers, especially Montesquieu, whose division of powers and 'checks and balances' were incorporated. This is only the beginning of an answer, and I hope that others will expand it. Joncey

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On September 14, 1786 Alexander Hamilton wrote the call for the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia to be held in May of 1787. George Washington was unanimously chosen to preside over the convention. Although he rarely spoke during the four month convention, his prestige gave it legitimacy. Also, after hours at the local taverns (visit City Tavern), Washington was very active in developing strategy behind the scenes. He had a major impact on the success of the Convention.

For more interesting facts on how the U.S. Constitution came to be ratified, see: Fascinating story of opposition and support among the thought-leaders and the general public.

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IDK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adam S. UR BF

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Q: What were some of the influences of the Founding Fathers while writing the Constitution?
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