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Prime Minister Winston Churchill rallies Britain during the lowest and most uncertain moments of the Second World War

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Q: What was the main purpose of the finest hour speech?
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Which detail from Churchill's "Their Finest Hour" speech is most closely related to his main purpose?

His call for the British people to prepare for war

What is the main purpose of a speech to persuade?

The main purpose of a speech to persuade is to change the beliefs, attitudes, or behavior of the listeners.

What was the main purpose of Gandhi's Quit India speech?

The thesis he had in the speech.

What is the purpose of an introduction in a political speech?

to grab the attention of listeners and tell the main idea of the speech.

What are the main purpose of speech?

To entertain, to inform, and/or to persuade an audience are the three main purposes of speeches.

What is the main purpose of a political speech?

To give the details or arguments, that supports the main idea. to persuade

What is the purpose of the body of the speech?

to provide the details and arguments that support the main idea

What is the purpose of the body in political speech?

to give the details or arguments that support the main idea

What is the purpose of a body in a political speech?

to give the details or arguments that support the main idea

What is the purpose of a political speech?

To give the details or arguments, that supports the main idea. to persuade

What is the differences between conversational and academic speech?

Academic speech's main purpose is to inform or education, to teach. Conversational speech is to negotiate or create a social situation

What is the difference between the general purpose and the specific purpose of a speech?

The general purpose is the overall intent of your speech. The specific purpose is a goal stated in a complete sentence. Overall, the general purpose and specific purpose are different because they both mean different things. The specific purpose is just really a goal stated in your sentence and the general purpose is just the purpose of your speech.GENERAL PURPOSE: purpose of your speech.SPECIFIC PURPOSE: the goal or the main idea in your speech.