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it shipped slaves across Lake Erie to Canada to give slaves freedom

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Q: What was the mayflower's role in freeing all the slave's and in the underground railroad?
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Who or what freed over 70 slaves through the underground railroad?

A slave is credited with freeing over 700 slaves using the underground railroad

How did slaves and abolitionists help the ending of slavery?

By freeing the slaves by using the underground railroad

How did Harriet Tubman hide the slaves that she is freeing?

she took them to the underground railroad.

Why was Harriet Tubman a wanted person?

She saved all the slaves by making them go on an underground railroad. They wanted her for freeing lots of slaves.

How did Harriet Tubman play major role in freeing the slaves?

She led the slaves out of slavery and she made History by using the underground railroad.

How did harriet tubman play a major role in freeing slaves?

She was a big part of the underground railroad helping slaves find their way to safe houses.

10 How did Harriet Tubman play a major role in the freeing of slaves?

She was part of the underground railroad, which was a organization that helped hundreds of slaves get to the north/ Canada.

What woman served as conductor on the underground railroad freeing hundreds of southern slaves and leading them to safety in the north?

Harriet Tubman was one of them...

What did Harriet Tubman do to make a difference?

harriet Tubman was a "conductor" on the underground railroad she freed many slaves and also worked as a nurse

When did slaves follow underground railroad to freedom?

What year did the slaves follow the underground railroad to freedom

How many slaves that used the underground railroad became free?

about how many slaves used the underground railroad, which was about 100,000.

What did the slaves do for fun on the underground railroad?

I believe that they sang and/or danced, in the underground railroad