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The standard infantry rifle was the same one as in WWI, the Short Model Lee-Enfield Rifle, in .303 caliber. The Sten submachine gun, the Bren light machine gun.

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Q: What was the name of guns used by the british in World War 1?
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What were the guns did the British use?

When? You need to be specific. They have used guns for about 500 years.

What were the main british machine guns used in world war 1?

The Vickers machine gun was the primary machine gun they used in WWI.

What did tanks fire during world war 1?

They used Maxim type or Lewis guns. They are both machine guns. .303 British .30-06 Springfield 7.92x57mm Mauser

Did world war 1 use guns and gunpowder?

Are you having a laugh? World War One occurred in nineteen fourteen. The British forces used, Lee-Enfield rifles, Howitzer artillery pieces, and machine guns. We also invented the Tank.By World War One guns and gunpowder had been used for well over 200 years.

What is the name of the Field Guns which are used when investing in stronghold?

What is with you and guns.... ?

What wars have the Bren light machine gun been used?

The Bren light machine guns were used in World War II, the Korean war, the Falklands War and the 1991 Gulf War. Bren light guns were a series of light machine guns adopted by the British in the 1930's.

What weapons were used in the Brandywine battle of 17?

both the Americans and the British used muskets and guns.

Did Britain use assault rifles in world war 2?

No. The first "assualt rifle" was created late in the war by the Germans. The British used bolt action rifles, carbines, submachine guns an light machine guns.

Name 3 weapons that were used during world war 1?

Mustard Gas Mines Barbed Wire Machine Guns

Was bullet tracers used on machine guns ammo during World War 2?

Yes, tracers were in use during that time. The first tracers were developed by the British in 1915.

What are the similarities from World War 2 and the modern world today?

used guns