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The Apollo 11 LM was named Eagle.

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Q: What was the name of the lunar excursion module given by Apollo 11 astronauts?
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What name was given to the LEM on the Apollo 13?

The name of the LEM (Lunar excursion model) was Aquarius (:

What was name given to the American effort to land astronauts on the moon?

The Apollo Program

On the Apollo TN moon mission what were the names given to the command module and lunar module?

CSM: Charlie BrownLM: Snoopy

What was the name given to the space program using three astronauts on each flight?

It was called the Apollo mission.

What was the first Apollo mission?

Apollo 1 is the official name that was later given to the never-flown AS-204 mission. Its command module was destroyed by fire killing the 3 astronauts aboard during a test and training exercise on January 27, 1967 AS-203, and umanned flight of the Saturn 1B rocket, is sometimes called Apollo 2. AS-202, a suborbital flight is sometimes called Apollo 3. However, the first official Apollo flight to fly was Apollo 4, the first flight of the Saturn V rocket. Apollo 4 was unmanned. The first manned Apollo flight was Apollo 7, an 11 day low earth orbit mission.

What Apollo mission caught fire on launch pad?

Apollo 1 is the official name that was later given to the Apollo/Saturn 204 mission. The command module caught fire during a training exercise and all three Astronaut's died in the fire.

Where does the astronauts get there spacesuits from?

The spacesuits of the astronauts are given by N.A.S.A.

Why does it jump from Apollo 1 to Apollo 7?

Apollo 7 was the first manned mission. Apollos 4 and 6 were unmanned tests of the large Saturn V moon rocket. Apollo 5 was an unmanned test of the first Apollo Lunar Module on a smaller Saturn IB rocket; it carried no command and service module. Two unmanned tests of a smaller Saturn launch vehicle, the Saturn I, are sometimes known as Apollo 2 and 3. The name "Apollo 1" was given to the crew of Grissom, White and Chaffee for the flight that they never got to fly because of the launch pad fire that killed them in January 1967.

Who were the Apollo space missions named for?

It was given the name Apollo , after the Greek god Apollo.

What was the Apollo one?

Apollo One is the name given to the first Apollo Command Module (CM) intended for human space flight. Unfortunately, due to several factors, there was an intense fire aboard Apollo One during testing on the launch pad. The high pressure, pure oxygen environment inside the capsule pretty much caused everything inside to burn with the intensity of a welding torch. Even though the three astronauts inside were wearing their spacesuits, the suits were never designed to withstand such high temperatures and open flame. Gus Grissom, Ed White II and Roger Chaffee died in less than a minute.

What was invented by Hermes and was given to Apollo?

The lyre.

What does the space term Apollo mean?

Apollo was the title given to the American three man spacecraft.