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When Russia went communist following the Bolshevik Revolution, it became known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR or Soviet Union). Russia is now an Illiberal Democracy as opposed to a Communist Dictatorship. Most former Soviet States sit on the continuum from Illiberal Democracy and Dictatorship, but none are Communist anymore.

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Q: What was the name of the new Communist nation in Russia called?
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What did Russia's name change to after it became a communist nation?

Soviet Russia

What was anoher name for the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia?

The Bolshevik Revolution is usually called the October Revolution or the Communist Revolution.

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Why does Russia change its name so often?

It doesn't. It began as the Russian Empire or just Russia while it was ruled as a monarchy. When it went communist, it merged with other countries to form the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union broke up into 15 countries and Russia became its own democratic nation.

What was the radical communist group that took over Russia in the Russian Revolution?

The Bolshevik Party was the radical communist group that took over Russia in the October Russian Revolution. In 1918, the Bolshevik Party changed its name to the Communist Party.

Who was the first communist leader in Russia?

Vladimir Lenin was the first communist leader for Russia. After the successful revolution against the Russian Provisional government in October, 1917, Lenin later discarded the term Bolshevik in favor of Communist. The party soon after changed the name of Russia to the Soviet Union.

What is the secret police is called?

Under the Communist rule (USSR), they were the KGB. Now that Russia has reverted back to a "republic", I think it has a new name.

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What was the name given to the new nation led by Lenin?

At first, the new nation was called the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. It was never changed to the Soviet Union. The "Soviet Union was the name of a new country formed by the union of Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia and the Transcaucasus Federation.

What is name of communist part of India today?

It is called Communist party of India only. It is famously called CPI or Marxist.

What is the name of the easternmost nation of Europe?

Russia, which goes through Europe and Asia

What was the communist party that took over Russia in 1917?

The Bolshevik Party under Vladimir Lenin took over Russia in 1917. In March 1918, the Bolsheviks changed their name to the Communist Party.