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Q: What was the name of the river system where the Pagan Kingdom developed Irrawaddy Mekong Saigon Ganges?
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Depends what you mean by 'top'. Some important ones are: Mekong, Irrawaddy, Mississippi, Nile, Ganges.

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What are the great rivers?

Nile; Amazon; Yangtse-Kiang; Mississippi-Missouri; Irrawaddy; Congo; Brahamaputra; Yennisei; Amur; Zambeisei; Murray-Darling; Ob; Danube; Rhine; Hwang-Ho; Ganges; Tigris; Euphrates; Niger; Mekong; Lena;

Major rivers in Asia?

The names of some of the major rivers of Asia are Yangtze Brahmaputra Yellow River Ganges Yamuna Chambal River Godavari Lena Mekong Lena Amur Euphrates Ishim Urul Olenyok Aldan

How many animals live in the Mekong river?

I don't know all the animals but some of them are the Saola, Indochinese Tiger, Asian Elephant, Irrawaddy Dolphin, Dhole and Javan Rhino. Some fish are the Mekong Freshwater Stingray and The Mekong Giant Catfish.

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Adding on: To what I have, the 15 largest River Deltas are: Ganges, Nile, Huang He/Yellow River, Yangtze, Indus, Orinoco, Yukon, Mekong, Irrawaddy, Lena, Mississippi, Chao Phraya, Rhine, Colorado, and Niger.

What river flows through Myanmar?

The Irrawaddy River it cuts through almost half the country. There are a lot of lakes and rivers in Burma but the most famous is the Irawwaddy.

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In order of highest sediment discharge (eroded material): 1 - Amazon 2 - Yellow 3 - Ganges-Brahmaputra 4 - Yangtze 5 - Irrawaddy 6 - Magdalena 7 - Mississippi 8 - Godavari 9 - Mekong 10 - Red

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Thirty you say : Nile, Amazon, Yangtse, Hwang He, Mississippi-Missouri, Congo, Mekong, Niger, Amur, Lena, Zambeisei, Ob, Brahamaputra, Rio Grande, Irrawaddy, Indus, Ganges, Tigris, Euphrates, Danube, Rhine, Yennisei, Loire, Tagus, Murray-Darling, Po, Volga, Parana, Orinoco, Vistula...............

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There are only two dams on the Ganges river.

What is the major river of southeast Asia flowing through Laos Thailand Vietnam and Cambodia?

Chang jiang and the Huang he rivers are thee main ones Chang jiang and the Huang he rivers are thee main ones

Which is the only Asian country sharing its name with a river?

There are many rivers in Asia like: the Ganges, the Indus, the Mekong. tyhe Irwawadi, the Yellow river etc.