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the Sons of Liberty

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Q: What was the name of the secret society that was opposed to British acts against the colonies?
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What was the society like in the middle colonies?

Society in the Middle colonies was very liberated.

Who originally controlled the New York colony?

Around 1609, the Dutch (colonists from the Netherlands) were the first to settle the New York region, which they called "New Netherland." The city of New Amsterdam became New York when it was taken over by the British in 1667.

Southern Colonies society?

The southern colonies society was mainly made up of slaves. These colonies had been established Great Britain with the rich people owning vast lands which they used as plantations where slaves worked.

Who were the Sons of Liberty?

The Sons of Liberty was an underground resistance organization, that was made up of men and women (known as the Daughters of Liberty) from the New England colonies that protested the intolerable acts that the British government put on them. Paul Revere and Samuel Adams were two of the leaders. Most of the members came from middle to upper class families, so they had money. They relied on public demonstrations to get support on their positions against the British government. Most of the time they used non violent acts, such as boycotts on taxed goods. However they were not above using violence. British supporters were sometimes tarred and feathered. The Sons of Liberty was a group of artisans and shopkeepers from Boston who rebelled against the stamp act in 1765.The Sons of Liberty was a society formed to protect the rights of colonists from British tyranny.

How did Thomas Paine go against society?

I'm not sure if he went against society, but he wrote pamphlets such as Common Sense before the Revolutionary War.

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Who was the person that freed the thirteen colonies from England?

There was not one particular person "who freed the 13 colonies", but an group effort by the colonies themselves. After the Declaration of Independence was written and published in 1776 the colonies were in revolution against the British crown. It took the whole society to do this.

Wrongs committed against individual persons as opposed to committed against society as a whole are known as?

Torts are wrongs committed against individual persons as opposed to society as a whole. They are addressed in civil law, whereas wrongs committed against society are handled in criminal cases.

What did the British impose to help pay the cost of protecting colonies and the colonists responded by creating the Sons of Liberty?

The British imposed the Stamp Act of 1765 to pay for the cost of keeping British troops in North America. This tax was placed on all paper materials and products. The Sons of Liberty were created as a secret society of men who opposed British taxation of the colonies.

Which historical event most likely shaped the cultural values of British society in the 1700s?

American colonies' break from British rule

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What contributed to the emergence of the first urban society in the british colonies?

The growing of crops

Which historical events most likely shape the cultural values of British society in the 1700s?

American colonies' break from British rule

Which historical event event most likely shaped the cultural values of british society in the 1700s?

American colonies' break from British rule

What was the society like in the middle colonies?

Society in the Middle colonies was very liberated.

What caused the British government to take more interest in the American colonies?

There were several factors that all worked together to draw Britain's attention to the American colonies. The first factor was France and Spain's withdraw from the American colonies, leaving Britain as the only control. The thirteen colonies between South Carolina and Main had also grown in trade and economy. The colonies had also developed urban centers and large populations, this meant that the colonies had a strong economy and society independent from the British government which drew Britain's attention.

How did the Catholic Church in Spanish America and religious leaders in the British colonies impact?

The Catholic Church in Spanish America and the religious leaders in the British colonies impacted the community by setting examples of how people should live. Religion has always played an important role in society.

How did the establishment of the British Raj affect Indian society?

Answer this question… It made Indians second-class citizens in their own country.