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Apollo is the space program that landed a man on the moon.

By Stefan Bridge-Nelson 7CB

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Q: What was the name of the space programme that landed a man on the moon?
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None of the Spar Shuttles landed on the moon.

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No Indian Space Shuttle has ever landed on the moon. The only country that has ever physically landed on the moon is the United States.

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The lunar module that landed on the moon was named Eagle.

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Apollo 13 was the name of the mission that landed the first men on the moon.

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The Apollo program was the name of the U.S. space program that landed men on the moon.

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What is the name of space ship landed at moon?

The first lunar module to land on the Moon with people aboard in 1969 is "Eagle" . The spaceship itself that circled the moon was "Apollo."

Spacecraft that landed on the moon?

The spacecraft that landed on the moon , was called the Lunar module, The name was The Eagle.

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NO russian module ever landed on the moon.

What is the name of the NASA missions that landed men on the moon?

The NASA missions which landed humans on the moon were called the Apollo Moon missions.

What is the name of the area of the moon on which man first landed?

a lot of astronauts had have landed on the moon so there is no specific place