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Q: What was the process of preparing a pharaohs body for the death called?
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Related questions

What was ancient Egyptians perception of the heavens?

They didnt have a heaven. They believed in afterlife, and pharaohs actually spent their whole life preparing for death. In the underworld, they could do the things they didn't get to do while they were alive.

What are scientists who study the process of death called?

A Thanatologist studies the actual process of death and dying.

What does the Egyptian religion entail?

Much preparation around death, they cared deeply about the afterlife. Thus the pharaohs spend their entire reign preparing for their death by building the pyramids and other burial grounds. The Egyptians also had extensive burial traditions and procedures like mummification.

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Do pharaohs looses there throne name when they step down?

Pharaohs do not step down, they rule until death.

Who is the first person hung to death in the Bible?

It is Pharaohs baker. In the dream interpreted by Joseph. After Pharaohs birthday party.

Why did pharaohs spend so much time preparing for death?

because ... *sigh* after a Pharaoh dies he must be mummified. the process of being mummified takes a long time. they must remove your organs, stuff you, wrap you in linen, give you wishes, spells, and gifts. if you want to do it right it takes a long time

What are the pharaohs beliefs?

The ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaohs became divine after death. Different pharaohs were devoted to different deities during their lifetimes, as evidenced by the temples they built.

Who wore the death masks in ancient Egypt?

Pharaohs and kings wore death masks.

Why did egytians make mummies?

The preserved body was essential to the afterlife. The Ancient Egyptians believed that Life continued after they died and it was vital to have a body-in perfect condition- to continue living. Death was only the beginning for them. The Pharaohs spent their entire lives preparing for the next, hence their elaborate burials... Clearly, the thought they could take it all with them.

Why did Egypt pharaohs wear death masks?

because it was a custom

What is the name of the mask pharaohs wear when they are buried?

the death mask.