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The southern states supplied the British with cotton, and it was thought that they needed the cotton and would back the south to keep it. The only,problem with this thinking was the British had wear houses filled with bales of American cotton and they didn't need more.

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Q: What was the reason Abraham Lincoln thought that the British might side with the Confederacy in the American Civil War?
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Who lead the American Civil War?

President Abraham Lincoln was the leader of the Union, and President Jefferson Davis was the leader of the Confederacy.

Was Abraham Lincoln British?

yes he was british

Who was the president of Confederacy during Abraham Lincoln presidandcy?

The only President that the confederacy ever had was Jefferson Davis.

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Union by trying to preserve it.

Who was the president of the confederacy if Abraham Lincoln was the president of the union?

Jefferson Davis

Did Abraham Lincoln ever consider the Confederacy as a separate country?

NO! Absolutely not.

Why was Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis important?

because Abraham Lincoln was elected as president in 1860 and didn't believe in the expansion of slavery, which the south depended on as their economic livelihood, the south seceeded from the northern free states and created the Confederacy. The south elected Jefferson Davis as the president of the Confederacy, and they went to war with the Northern states, called Union in the American Civil War, which Abraham Lincoln led in the war.

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Abraham Lincoln for the Union; Jefferson Davis for the Confederacy

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calling for troops

Abraham Lincoln caused four states to join the confederacy by?

calling for troops

How did Abraham Lincoln cause four states to join the Confederacy?

calling for troops

Who was the president of the US while Jefferson Davis was president of the confederacy?

Abraham Lincoln