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The reason for the battle of Shiloh was to stop trade so the south would surrender.

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Q: What was the reason for having the Battle of Shiloh second bull run Vicksburg Gettysburg fort Sumter?
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Put these battles in order of occurrence fredricksburg merrimack vs monitor chancellorsville fort Sumter Gettysburg first battle of bull run Antietam Shiloh Vicksburg?

Here goes: Fort Sumter (April 1861) First Battle of Bull Run or 1st Manassas (July 21, 1861) Battle of Monitor & Merrimac or Battle of Hampton Roads (March 8-9 1862) Shiloh (April 6-7, 1862) Antietam (Sept 17, 1862) Chancellorsville (April 30 - May 6, 1863) Vicksburg (May to 4 July 1863) Gettysburg (1 - 3 July 1863) [Vicksburg started first but Gettysburg ended first]

What battles went on during civil war?

Battle of Gettysburg Battle of Vicksburg First Battle of Bull Run Second battle of Bull Run Battle of Fort Sumpter Nat Turners Revolt Seven Days Battle Battle of Antetam Battle of Shiloh and more

What battles did the union lose and win?

The North won the Battle of Antieatm, Shiloh, Chattonoga, Gettysgurg, Vicksburg, March to the sea in Gorgia, and the Battle of the Appomattox Court House. These are the wars the North won. By Bikram S Marwah

What was the significance of the attack on fort Sumter the Battle of Vicksburg an Gettysburg and Appomattox court house?

In sequence: Fort Sumter - first shots of the war. Vicksburg - ended the war in the West. Gettysburg - ended Lee's last hope of invading the North. Appomattox - where Lee surrendered to Grant, effectively ending the war.

What three major battles took place in 1863 and why was each one important?

South Carolina attacks Fort Sumter Confederacy defeats Union at First Battle of Bull Run, Union defeats Confederacy at Shiloh and Antietam, Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation Union defeats Confederacy at Gettysburg and Vicksburg Lincoln delivers Gettysburg Address

What is the name of 4 famous battles in the civil war?

Gettysburg, Antietam, Fort Sumter, Vicksburg

Great battles in the civil war?

Battle of Antietam--(1862) Battle of Shiloh--(1862) Battle of Vicksburg--(May 19, 1863) 54th Massachusetts Infantry attacks Fort Wagner--(March 13, 1863) Sherman takes over Atlanta--(1864) Sherman takes over Savannah--(November 1864) Grant surrounds Lee's army in Richmond--(April 1865) Fort Wagner attack resulted in a Confederate victory... Gettysburg, July, 1863, was a Union victory.

What events led to lees surrender at Appomattox courthouse?

the fall of Richmond , shermans march to the sea , the battle of Gettysburg , the seige of Vicksburg , the emancipatation proclamation , the battle of Antietam , the seven days' battle , the battle of the New Orleans , the battle of bull run , the battle of Fort Sumter and ya that's what i learned today, im in 7th grade by the way ! ! ! ! ! ! =]

What were the 5 major battles of the civil war what effect did they have towards the end of the civil war?

battle of manassas (bullrun) was the first major battle Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point in the war the battle of Vicksburg divided the south ( the north took controll over the Mississippi river) firing on fort Sumter (by the confederacy) marked the beginning of the war and the battle of lexiton and concord EDIT: First of all, Lexington and Concord was the American Revolution... But besides that, a few of the battles were The Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Antietam, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battle of Shiloh, Battle of Vicksburg, and Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Bull Run showed that both sides needed training and the Battle of Antietam did as well, although North won the second one because Robert E. Lee was forced to retreat. The Confederacy won the Battle of Fredericksburg and the Battle of Chancellorsville, but lost an important war leader during them. The Battle of Shiloh was one of the bloodiest wars of the Civil War and during it, the North blockaded the Confederacy's ports. During the Battle of Vicksburg, the North took the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy in half. The Battle of Gettysburg was the major turning part of the war where the North pretty much won the war after winning that battle.

What battles took place in the south during the American civil war?

Answer Shiloh was a battle that opened up Grant's way into Mississippi. Vicksburg was the battle the cleared the Mississippi River of Confederate control. Chickamauga was a key victory for the Confederates that held the Union troops confined to Chattanooga, TN. FredericksburgSpotsylvania Gettysburg was a lose that the Confederates could not recover from. St. Petersburg and the battles for Richmond.

What were the 5 most important battles from the civil war?

Based upon common computation, about 10,000 battles, large and small were fought during the Civil War, of which the most important (battles and Campaigns) had been more than ten. They were: First Bull Run; Peninsular Campaign; Seize of New Orleans; Shiloh; Second Bull Run; Antietam; Fredericksburg; Chancellorsville; Gettysburg; Stone's River; The Final Campaign against Vicksburg; Chickamauga; Chattanooga; Atlanta Campaign; Overland Campaign; Siege of Petersburg; March to the Sea Campaign; Appomattox.

What were 4 battles in across five aprils?

Battle of Fort Sumter - This was the first battle of the Civil War, where Confederate forces attacked a Union garrison. Battle of Shiloh - A bloody battle in Tennessee that resulted in heavy casualties on both sides. Battle of Gettysburg - A decisive battle in Pennsylvania that marked a turning point in the Civil War. Battle of Appomattox Court House - The final battle of the Civil War where General Lee surrendered to General Grant, effectively ending the conflict.