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Tsarist Russia had an economy based on virtual slavery. Serfs bonded to the land working for subsistance and little else. The 1917 October Revolution, amongst other things, gave the promise of a "Workers State", a land of universal bliss and harmony where those who worked would reap the rewards of their toil. After 70 odd years, although the USSR had become a world power, not much had changed for the workers, they were still enslaved to the government. During the 1980's, many of the neighbouring "Soviet Bloc" countries had moved away from the Communist ideal and adopted a market economy. Others were moving towards this objective. This was helped along quite a bit by Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of Glasnost and Perestroika. Finally, the Soviet people took the initiative and demanded free and democratic elections and conducted something of a mini, and relatively bloodless revolution which resulted in Boris Yeltsin leading the country, which rapidly became a market economy and experienced hyper inflation in the process. The 20th Century was a tumultuous period for Russia/USSR and there is a lot to be learned from their experience. The Russian people have certainly paid their dues and are to be admired for what they have endured and what they have achieved in spite of years of oppression, war and terror.

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Q: What was the reason of the collapse of the soviet union at the end of the cold war?
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What was the Cold War and when did the Soviet Union break apart?

The Cold War started in 1945 and ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

What events in the soviet union led to the end of the cold war?

The Chernobyl disaster Brought about perestroika

Who end up winning the cold war?

The West because of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

What was not a result of the cold war?

The collapse of the Soviet Union and a softening of communist governments world-wide.

What event symbolized the end of the cold war?

fall of Berlin wall

How does the cold war relate to anything that is happening now?

Well, the end of the Cold War was the end of the Soviet Union, and the U.S.S.R. became Russia again, and they are allies of us again, as well as the collapse of the Soviet Union caused the current population decline of Russia.

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The Chernobyl accident occurred in 1986, several years before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.

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The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War contributed the most to increasing international trade for eastern and Western Europe in the 1990's.

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Because the Soviet Union was blowing all its money in the cold war against America while China was just doing nothing but controlling its own government. So the Soviet Union went bankrupt and collapsed while China stayed communist.

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The Cold War was between the Soviet Union and Western democracies.

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The Soviet Union (USSR, or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

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Military threats were significantly reduced in the 1990s with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the end of the Cold War. The Cold War began in 1945 and ended in 1991.