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Thoth had two goddesses which he was associated with as "wives", Ma'at and Seshat.

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Q: What was thoth wife name?
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Does thoth have a wife?


Did Thoth have a wife?

yes. Ma'at

What was Thoth's family tree?

Thoth was the son of Nun and Neith. His brothers were Ra and Sobek. His wife was Ma'at

Where did the name Thoth come from?

The English word-name of the Egyptian god of wisdom and magic, Thoth, derives from the Latin and Greek languages' Thoth, which derive from the Egyptian language Tehuti.

What are the names of the wives of Thoth other than Maat?

Seshat (Sashet, Sesheta) was either wife or daughter of Thoth. Safekh-Aubi (Sefekh-Aubi) who is linked to her, may have been linked to Thoth as well.

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Who is the god of writing knowledge and wisdom?

In Egypt, the god's name was Thoth. In India, there is a goddess named Sarasvati.

Who is tThoth's wife?

In Egyptian mythology, Thoth's wife is said to be Seshat, the goddess of writing, wisdom, and knowledge. Together, they are associated with intellect and creative communication.

Which of these names dosen't belong Cheops Khufu Thoth?

If the "unifying feature" is humanity, the answer is Thoth, because Thoth is a god and Khufu and Cheops are both names of the same Pharaoh. If the "unifying feature" is Egyptian names, the answer is Cheops, because Cheops is a Greek name while Thoth and Khufu are Egyptian names.

What is the purpose of Ma' at' s feather?

Ma'at is the wife of Thoth and had eight children which among them , Amon was most important.

What did Thoth die of?

The Egyptian god Thoth did not die.

How many wives did Thoth have?

Thoth has many wives.