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Its main tributaries are - Blue Nile White Nile Atbara River

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Q: What water sources added to the Nile River?
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The main river is river nile that is the river of egyp

What are 2 of the sources of the nile river?

The Blue Nile and the White Nile are the two main sources of the Nile River.

What body of water feeds the the river nile?

there are two sources of the Nile river the first source is lake Victoria and the second is the Ethiopian highlands

What are two of the sources of the Nile river?

The Blue and White Nile rivers, are the source of the Nile river.

What are 2 sources of the nile?

The Blue Nile and the White Nile are the two main sources of the Nile River.

The Nile River is the basis of life in?

The Nile River is the basis of life in Africa. The Nile River is one of Egypt's most life-giving sources.

Where does Egypt's water supply come from?

The Nile River.

What river helped nurture ancient Egypt's civilization?

the nile river is the river that Egypt depended on for water to bath in drink from and to water their crops with

What 2 major river sources make up the Nile?

The Blue Nile and the White Nile

What body of water is in the Nie River?

first it's NiLe river, not nie river. the body of water the niLe river is: river

Why does the Nile River have so many sources?

The Nile River is a river located in Africa. The Nile is most famous for the role it played in Egyptian civilization. The source of the Nile is debatable. Some people believe that the source is Lake Victoria. However, others claim the Nile comes from a variety of sources. Recently, a party of explorers found a source near Rukarara. Sources of the Nile include the Blue Nile and the White Nile.

What did the Egyptians rely on for their water needs?

The Nile River.