

What were Kushite Cultures?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What were Kushite Cultures?
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How where kushite and Egyptian culture similar?

Because they did the same cultures and activetes

How were Kushite and Egyptian cultures different?

they produced large amounts of iron

How were Egyptian and Kushite cultures similar?

Their cultures are similar by their clothes, pyramids, ruled by queens and kings, the writing, and the food they eat.

What are some features that Kushite and Egyptian cultures had in common?

Buildings,pyramids,gods and clothing

What was the role of women in kushite society?

what was the role of women in the kushite society

What city did the kushite kings rule from?

The Kushite kings ruled from the city of Napata for centuries.

How was Kushite culture unlike from Egyptian culture?

Kushite developed their own written language called Meroitic.

When did the last Kushite Pharaohs return to Kush?

The last Kushite Pharoahs returned to Kush in 1345 B.C.E.

What are some features that Kushite and Egyptian cultures had in common How were they different?

y were similar and diffrent because they were enemies

Why does the statue of Kushite King taharqa have his hands cut off?

No King Kushite,taharka,did not cut off his hands.

Who ended Kushite rule in Egypt?

The Kushite kingdom persisted until the 4th century AD, when it weakened and disintegrated due to internal rebellion. The Kushite capital was subsequently captured by the Beja Dynasty, who tried to revive the empire. The Kushite capital was eventually captured and destroyed by the kingdom of Axum.

Did the Kushite pharaohs ruled Egypt before or after Ramses the great?

The Kushite pharaohs ruled Egypt before Ramses the Great.