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There were many negative effects of the US Civil War. To note one huge negative effect was the loss of over 620,000 lives because Americans could not reach a compromise on issues that divided the nation. The loss of lives has to be the major negative effect.

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It is one of the bloodiest conflicts in the world causing about 618,000 casualties. Although about half of those are from disease.

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Q: What was one negative effect of the civil war?
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What was the negative effect of the civil war?

There were many negative effects of the US Civil War. To note one huge negative effect was the loss of over 620,000 lives because Americans could not reach a compromise on issues that divided the nation. The loss of lives has to be the major negative effect.

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India was a British colony during the Civil War, and not the most contented one. Great Britain leaned toward the Confederacy while maintaining diplomatic relations with the Union, but the Civil War likely did not effect India in any significant way, nor did India have any significant effect on the Civil War.

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The effect of the Civil War on the U.S. is there was no more slavery and the united sates were at peace again. : )

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...................... and that is the answer to that my friend :))

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people died

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It started the war! dumdum