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Countries in Western Europe were very happy that the United States was attacked by Germany's ally, Japan, because it meant that the industrial and military might of the United States would finally be brought to bear against their conqueror, Adolph Hitler. Hitler himself I think had long realized that United States involvement in the war was inevitable, and he welcomed it.

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Q: What were other countries views on Pearl Harbor such as France Germany etc?
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What did France do when japan attacked pearl harbor?

Nothing. France was under Germany's authorities. And Germany was allied to Japan.

What role did France have on Pearl Harbor?

None; France belonged to Germany during the attack (Occupied France).

What countries did Hitler try and fight in Pearl Harbor?

Pearl is in the US and it was Japan, an ally of Germany that attacked it.

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Japan has Bombed Pearl Harbor. Thats pretty much it

Who was at war World War 2?

The main countries were Italy, Germany, Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, Japan, and after the attack on Pearl Harbor, America

Did Germany attack anyone after pearl harbor?

Germany didn't attack pearl harbor dumb***, that was japan

How did Pearl Harbor help the European countries to defeat Germany?

well a day after the US declared war on Japan, Germany declared war on the US. so to answer your question Pearl Harbor brought US troops into Europe to help fight Germany. Germany would have been defeated with out US help but if they never would of declared war on the US France would likely be communist right now.

Did Germany invade Poland before or after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?

Germany invaded Poland before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

What were pearl harbor combatants?

russia and germany

Why did Germany bomb Pearl Harbor?

It brought in the Americans on the side of the Allies. But the biggest cause of Germany's defeat was their decision to invade Russia.

How did Germany respond to pearl harbor attacks?

they did celebrate

What two countries were fighting during Pearl Harbor?

The two countries fighting during Pearl Harbor were the Imperial Japanese Navy and the United States Navy