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The Catholic Church did not view them as reformers so much as revolutionaries since they sought to enact their desires without the sanction of Church authorities and ended up not reforming but rejecting those things they found problems with. The Church considers such actions heretical and thus saw them as heretics. Those that were personal responsible for these breaks are considered heresiarchs, or leaders of heresy. There were some clerics and people who strove for reform but decided to do so while staying with the Church, believing Her inviolable. Some of these reformers became saints.

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Q: What were reformers against the Catholic Church called?
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What would a person who protested against the Catholic Church be called?

.Roman Catholic AnswerMost of the people who protested against the Church in the sixteenth century were heretics and apostates. Today they are, more politically correct, known as "protestant reformers" by those who followed them.

Why were Protestants called protestants?

Because they protested against the Catholic church.

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The Protestant Revolt

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Catholics called them heretics, they called themselves protestants.

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Protestants are called protestants because they PROTESTED against the catholic church because Henry viii was catholic but he wanted a divorce but the catholics would not let him, so he started his own church( church of England) and they were called the protestants, also you can not be protestant and catholic.

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Counter Reformation 16th-century reformation that arose largely in answer to the Protestant Reformation; sometimes called the Catholic Reformation. Although the Roman Catholic reformers shared the Protestants' revulsion at the corrupt conditions in the church, there was present none of the tradition breaking that characterized Protestantism. The Counter Reformation was led by conservative forces whose aim was both to reform the church and to secure the its traditions against the innovations of Protestant theology and against the more liberalizing effects of the Renaissance.

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What caused the Counter-Reformation?

Counter Reformation 16th-century reformation that arose largely in answer to the Protestant Reformation; sometimes called the Catholic Reformation. Although the Roman Catholic reformers shared the Protestants' revulsion at the corrupt conditions in the church, there was present none of the tradition breaking that characterized Protestantism. The Counter Reformation was led by conservative forces whose aim was both to reform the church and to secure the its traditions against the innovations of Protestant theology and against the more liberalizing effects of the Renaissance.

What is a Catholic house of worship called?

a catholic church

What is the name of the first Catholic Church in Detroit?

It is called Ste. Anne's Catholic Church.

What churches became catholic during the reformation?

the catholic church and started a new church called the lutheran church

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This is called a schism the most famous being the Great Schism.