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It can be argued that the primary negative aspect of the Exchange was disease propagation. Smallpox and other old world diseases west, and (it has been argued but not proven) syphilis and other venereal diseases east.

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Stanford Dibbert

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2y ago
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diseases started to spread from each end.

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Q: What were some of the negatives consequences of the columbian exchange?
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What are some disadvantages the europeans faced from the columbian exchange?

What was some bad things about the Columbian Exchange?

it brought diseases to the new world

What were some of the animals in the columbian exchange?

Turkey, Cow, Horse, Chicken and Black Rat

Were there any countries that were not affected by the Columbian Exchange?

No country has not been affected by the Columbian Exchange, whether directly, or indirectly (by crop diffusion then cultural diffusion inside the country). However possibly some communities have not been affected, but surely no country.

Why is the Columbian Exchange?

The columbian exchange is important because it has changed some life for the better. If the columbian Exchange had not happened, we wouldn't have the diversity in our diets that we have today. meats like beef and pork would be non-existant in he americas and foods like the tomatoes and maize(corn) would not be in the old world(Europe, Asia, and Africa). These along with many other crops, animals, and even beliefs have shaped our world for the better.

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What lesson explains that some things were shared in the Columbian Exchange on purpose and some things were shared by accident what is an example of something that was shared by accident?


What lesson explains that some things were shared in the Columbian Exchange on purpose and some things were shared by accident. What is an example of something that was shared by accident?


What are some changes that were caused by the Columbian exchange?

the exchange helped by giving new wildlife and foods to the "new land" and europe.Before the Columbian Exchange, there were no oranges in Florida, no bananas in Ecuador, no paprika in Hungary, no potatoes in Ireland, no coffee in Colombia, no pineapples in Hawaii, no rubber trees in Africa, no chili peppers in Thailand, no tomatoes in Italy, and no chocolate in Switzerland.

What did europeans unintenctionlly bring to the America as part of the columbian exchange?

I think that europeans got some good from the north native American

What are the effects of the Columbian Exchange?

the effects of the columbian exchange, were/are:well food for one because some of the favorite foods that we like today originated in a distant land.Few events transformed the world like the columbian exchange. This global transfer of plants, animals, disease, and food, brought together the eastern and the western hemispheres and touched, in some way, nearly all the people of the world.Trade goods,people,diseases,and ideas

How did the introduction of animals in the columbian exchange affect many native American culture?

Keeping livestock allowed many hunters to do other things.