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The main events in Hitler's life will be listed differently by different historians; however, in the majority of cases, at least three events are considered to be essential. First is the "Beer Hall Putsch" in 1923, which led to Hitler's imprisonment and the writing of his book, "Mein Kampf". Second is his appointment as Chancellor of Germany in 1933, which gave him nearly supreme power in the country. Third is the start of World War II in 1939, which would lead him to great success and then, through over-confidence and rash decisions, to his ruin.

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9y ago
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16y ago

Putting it ever so simply, up to Stalingrad great military success. After Stalingrad great military disaster.

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15y ago

he wanted to be a artist but the art dude told him that his work was "a piece of crap" so he went into poltics and started killing people.

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12y ago

Hitler's life was filled with alot of killing.. This really isn't a good things cus people got killed for no reason.

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marrying his wife on the day of his suicide. XD

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11y ago

* Adolf Hitler Was The Partial Cause Of World War II

* Adolf Hitler Caused the Holocaust

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adolf Hitler was a painter

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5 important events in Adolf Hitler's life how did it affect him?

did Adolf Hitler have any major events in his life

What was adolf hitlers focus in his early life?

elimination of people of the Jewish faith.

How was Adolf hitlers home life?

Of course Hitler had a family (we all do). But here is his close family:Alois Hitler: Father. Young Adolf did not have a close relationship with him at all.Klara Hitler: Mother. Adolf (let's just keep calling him Adolf because I like referring to him as Adolf when discussing his family) had a close relationship with his mother and it is rumoured (not 100% true) that he died holding a picture of his mother to his heart. It is also stated that he may of always had a photo of her on his person.He only had one sibling (a sister) who survived childhood.

What was adolf hitlers parents called?

His father's name was originally Alois Schicklgruber. When he was born, his mother was unmarried and nobody knew who his father was so he was given his mother's last name. Later on in his life, he changed his name to his stepfather's name (and his stepfather is believed to have been his real father), Hiedler, which was misspelled into Hitler, but the change stuck.

How do Germans feel about the Nazis?

A Nazi is a German member of Adolf Hitler's political party. They were the killers of the party, the henchmen of Hitlers elite murderous thugs. Most of the common people, and some of the members who held high rank in the German military hated them because of the sadistic ways prisoners were treated. They had no regard for human life. Hopefully the German people will never allow such animals again.