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People of the convention argued that if we don't include the Bill of Rights in the Constitution, it would open doors to tyranny in the government. But in my opioin, our government is already crap so.

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Q: What were the arguments for and against including the bill of rights in the body of the constitution as opposed to adding these rights at the end of the document?
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Arguments against the adoption of the constitution?

There were many arguments made against the adoption of the United States Constitution. The most widely expressed argument was the fact that a centralized government system could weaken the rights and freedoms of the people throughout the country that the document was intended to provide for.

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The answer to this question is this.... They opposed having such a strong central government and thus were against the Constitution.

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The Magna Carta is basically a constitution that limited the King of England's power. This document stated that the King England must respect legal procedures and accept that he will be bound by law. This document also protected the King's subjects and gave appeal against unlawful imprisonment. The Magna Carta also influenced many constitutional documents including the United States Constitution.

What does it mean when something is unconstituitonal?

our society & system of law is based on a document wriiten by the founders of our nation, the U.S. constitution...this document outlines certain rights granted to us by the law..if something is unconstitutional, it means it goes against the constitution & violates our civil rights..

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he argues thatb napoleon was right when he said "Women are just machines for producing babies.

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