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the people were in constant fear of upsetting the authorities because they knew that if they were found guilty of any act against Stalin or the Soviet Union, they would be killed. Stalin would have anyone he saw as a threat shot in the back of the head. if they were lucky, they would receive the lesser punishment of being sent to one of the gulags, which were inescapable prisons where prisoners were likely to be starved and torchered until they died. another punishment, which was supposed to be the least severe, was to be sent to work on a ukranian farm. the people in ukrain were starving and ridiculously mistreatted by Stalin, and millions of them starved to death during the world's only man-made famine that lasted for all of Stalin's rule. there was no shortage of food during this time. Stalin kept the food from them to give to the urban workers, but that is a completely different issue.

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13y ago

Stalinist Russia was a hellhole where you could get killed or send to a gulag because you disagreed with the regime, were of the wrong ethnicity (Ukrainian, example), happened to be richer than your neighbours or countless other reasons. Stalin was also paranoid, arresting people who didn't even commit any of the aforementioned 'crimes.' So yeah, it was pretty bad.

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Stalin was in high power with many demands.

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Q: What were the conditions like when Stalin was ruling?
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Lenin (1917-1924), but poor health prevented him from doing much after mid 1922. He was succeeded by three men ruling jointly - Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev. By 1927 Stalin had sidelined the other two and from 1928 he was the dictator of the Soviet Union.

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No, Stalin was not anti-semitic

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