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Calhoun supported State's rights and Jackson favored Strong Government

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Q: How did Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun differ their views about state rights and sectionalism?
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The founding fathers were before Andrew Jackson.

How did Andrew Jackson belief differ from his vice president's belief when it came to states authority vs federal government?

John C. Calhoun , who was VP during Jackson's first term, was a champion of the right of nullification, which meant that a state could nullify and refuse to obey federal laws. Jackson could see that such a right would pretty much erase central government and that logically could lead to the right to secede from the union altogether.

How did Calhoun's ideas about government differ from Webster's?

I don't frickin' know

How did John c. Calhoun and Daniel Webster differ in their interpretations of the power of the federal government?

Calhoun believed that the federal government did not have the power to ban slavery, while Webster believed the government did have this power.

How did Daniel Webster and Andrew Jackson differ in their views?

Daniel Webster and Andrew Jackson differed in their views on several key issues. Webster advocated for a stronger central government and a more conservative interpretation of the Constitution, while Jackson favored states' rights and a more expansive interpretation of executive power. Additionally, Webster was a staunch supporter of protective tariffs and national banks, while Jackson opposed these policies and championed the interests of common farmers and workers.

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Presidents Lincoln and Jackson had different views on laws they believed were unconstitutional. President Lincoln believed that it was his duty to enforce laws he believed were unconstitutional and work for their repeal. President Jackson, on the other hand, believed that such laws could be broken and then hopefully have the US Supreme Court rule on their constitutionality.

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Because they wanted money for their houses

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Because they wanted money for their houses

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Michael Jackson's childhood was different from everyone elses because he had to go to recording studios and all that junk.

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