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Factors for entering the war:

Economic Warfare: The Brits issued the Orders in Council which ordered British ships to block French ports. The French issued the Berlin and Millan Decrees which ordered French ships to block British ports. The United States get hurt the most by this becase they can't import or export any manufactured goods to either France or Britain. The New England merchants get hurt the most out of the American citizens. When France and Britain passed these acts, the U.S. claimed that their rights as a neutral nation were being violated, because being a neutral nation they were allowed "freedom of the seas". The United States passed the Non-Importation Act, not allowing the U.S. to import any foreign goods, in an attempt to get France and Britain to stop blocking eachother's ports. This act failed and actually hurt America and the New England merchants even more. Impressment: The Chesapeake (American Ship) - Leopard (British Ship) Affair. A British ship blocks an American ship and impresses the American Sailors. Impressment is the act or policy of seizing people or property for public service or use. In another attempt to get Britain and France to un-block eachothers ports, America passes the Embargo Act or famously known as O GRAB ME, which completely shuts down American ports. No imports, no exports to any nation. Again, this hurts America and the New England merchants, not Britain or France. So, America drops the Embargo Act and passes the Non-Intercourse Act in 1809, which lets America trade with every nation except France and Britain. AGAIN, this hurts America, and not Britain or France. So, America passes Macon's Bill #2, which states that if England drops the Order in Council then America will not trade with the French, and if France drops the Berlain and Millan Ducrees then America will not trade with Britain. Basically it was to see which nation would drop their blockades first. Which, AGAIN, failed. Indian Problems: The Battle of Tippecanoe is probably the most famous Indian batttle during the War of 1812. William Henry Harrison leads the militia out to Tippecanoe to fight the Indians. The U.S. won the battle, but America blamed Britain for the eitire ordeal. War Hawks: The war hawks want the Canadian land from the British. 2 famous War Hawks are Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky and Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina. Since the war hawks wanted the Canadian land, there were many battles fought with the British in order to get it. However, the majority of these battles were won by the British. Results of the War: Nationalism, Industrialization, Internal Improvements, Western Expansion, and the decline of the Federalist Party.

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Q: What were the factors for entering the War of 1812 and what was the result of the war?
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