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BAD: Yes, of course there were. Particularly from the point of view of those people colonised & exploited. Having said that there have been worse empires in History. The British, as masters of empires go, are probably as good as any. Not everone hates us, not quite..... Times change & the world moves on, and I guess the British will evolve with everyone else. I cannot forgive Amritsar or execution by being blown to pices by cannonshot. Omdurman wasn't a battle, it was a massacre. Ireland has it's problems & there are other examples of where the British have applied big, unrequired feet. Now ask the Falkland Islanders what they thought of us in 1982, or name a disaster somewhere where British aid workers don't turn up at ? Maybe everone didn't want Christianty & Cricket, but that didn't make it wrong to spread the word, did it ? We will now all stand & sing' Rule Britannia'................

GOOD: There are many reasons for why the British Empire was good and bad, personally I thought it was a good thing! We went over to all these countries and brought them civilisation and understanding.

At first in America, the Indians used to walk around naked so when the British came over and discovered the country, they brought not only civilisation but power to that country. Look at India now, they have a wonderful country and have the same laws with what we set them hundreds of years ago, because they agreed with what we did. At that time, hundreds of years ago, the Indians were given a choice, they weren't forced to change there ways, they weren't told that they would die if they didn't obey, they simply went along with what we said because they believed that it was a good idea. So you see, Britain did do some things that some people regret and are ashamed of there country for but they have no reason to, for back then is different to what it is today and we can not judge our country on what happened a long time ago.

Britain also brought other supplies other to India and traded.

America and all the other countries are better

because of what Britain did a long time


Besides, we help America and lots of other countries today with money and other things.

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It was good for England because they had a bigger army.

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