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He killed people.

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Q: What were the key deeds of Adolf Hitler?
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This dictator was the leader of Nazi Germany from 1933-1945?

That would be Adolf Hitler.

Who was the leader of the third Reich?

Adolf Hitler until his death, and then Karl Donitz.

Explain how Adolf Hitler changed the twentieth century?

He didn't change it, he was a key player in it.

What are some key individuals involved in world war 2?

Adolf Hitler, Stallengrad.

Is Adolf Hitler single?

No, Adolf Hitler is not single.

What is Adolf Hitler given name?

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, and was christened as "Adolphus Hitler".

Who was adolf itler?

Adolf Hitler was the dictator of Germany from 1934 until his death in 1945. He led the Nazi Party and was a key leader in WWII.

Did Adolf Hitler have a middlename?

No, his full name was Adolf Hitler.

Wrong Adolf Hitler's father is Dahak?

Adolf Hitler's father was Alois Hitler.

Is Adolf Hitler's father Dahak?

Adolf Hitler's fathers name is Alois Hitler.

Who is more famous adolf Hitler or Mario?

Of course, Adolf Hitler.

Who was hitlers niece?

Adolf Hitler was a key figure in the Second World War. Hitler has a niece who was called Geli Raubal.