

What were the main teachings of Mahavira?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What were the main teachings of Mahavira?
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was based on the teachings a man named Mahvira

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Mahavira did not believe in the existence of God. He considered that God is the highest, the noblest and the fullest manifestation of all the powers which lie latent in the soul of man. The teachings of Mahavira were simple. He based his teachings on three thoughts Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct or Action. These three teachings are called Triratna or Three jewels.Mahavira put great stress on Mahavira Ahimsa. According to him, men, animals, plants, stones, wind and fire had souls. Therefore no injury should be done to animals, birds etc. Mahavira preached his disciples to follow the five principles.They are1. Ahimsa - not to injure any living beings2. Satya - to speak truth3. Asteya - not to steal4. Tyag - - not to own property5. Brahmacharia - to lead a virtuous lifedhanush jhps

What led to its foundings in jainism?

lord mahavira was the main founder of the jaisnism community

What was based on the teachings of the man named mahavira?

The principles of non violence and truth were based on the teachings of Lord Mahavira.And in order to implement those principles we need to practice self awareness.Read on to know more on the same

Was based on the teachings of a man named mahavira?

The principles of non violence and truth were based on the teachings of Lord Mahavira.And in order to implement those principles we need to practice self awareness.Read on to know more on the same

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the main festival of jain's is Mahavira jayanti and Diwali