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The writing system as this formed the basis of now days chinese writing. silk, bronze casting and the lunar calender

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Q: What was the most important contribution of the zhou Dynasty?
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What was the Zhou's powerful rival?

The Qin Dynasty was the most powerful rival of the Zhou Dynasty. The Zhou Dynasty reigned China after the Shang Dynasty.

What is the contribution of the Zhou dynasty to civilization?

balls in my mouth happend oh yea

Why are the Shang and Zhou dynasty important to the Development of China?

the zhou dynasty was important to china for their inventions,leaders,and help and commitment to china.

What are the 3 most important ancient Chinese dynasties?

The Zhou dynasty was the longest-lasting dynasty in Chinese history, from 1066 BC to approximately 256 BC. By the end of the 2nd millennium BC, the Zhou dynasty began to emerge in the Yellow River valley, overrunning the territory of the Shang. The Zhou appeared to have begun their rule under a semi-feudalsystem.

What product was important to the zhou economy?

Plows were the MOST important item of trade in the Zhou dynasty

What were the names of China dynasty?

The dynasties are Shang dynasty,Zhou dynasty (Eastern Zhou and Western Zhou),Han Dynasty and Xia dynasty

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What was the Zhou Dynasty's social order

Which dynasty defeated the Chou dynasty?

Dang, you must not know anything about China. Anyway, The answer to your question is The Shang Dynasty. The Shang Dynasty defeated the Chou Dynasty.

Founded of zhou dynasty?

The Zhou dynasty actually had two separate periods of reign totaling 810 years. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty reigned from 256 - 770 BC The Western Zhou Dynasty reigned from 771 - 1066 BC

Who was the most famous leader of the Shang Dynasty?

Zhou Tynauh

When was Later Zhou Dynasty created?

Later Zhou Dynasty was created in 951.

When did Later Zhou Dynasty end?

Later Zhou Dynasty ended in 960.