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the incas,mayans and Aztecs

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Q: What were the names of the three main Indian tribes that inhabited South America prior to the arrival of European explorers?
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Who lived in Colombia before the arrival of Spanish explorers?

The area in South America that is now called Colombia was inhabited by the Inca Native American Tribe. Later Spanish explorers made Spanish settlements there and conquered the Inca empire.

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Comanches, and Caddo... There's a total of 24 of them! -Access the related link below for a list of them-

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North America was dominated by Native American civilizations before European arrival. The largest and most famous include the Aztecs, Cherokee, and Iroquois.

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Other European countries were torn by religious and political conflicts.o.

What group of people ruled an empire in Peru before the arrival of Spanish explorers?

The group of people that ruled an empire in Peru directly before the arrival of Spanish explorers were the Incas. The Incan empire lasted from 1438 to 1533 with the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors.