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Ohter that being imposed by A. Hitler, you could of died from starvation and thirst or suffering from disease or another illness. Eden, 11.

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Q: What were the other causes of death during the Holocaust other than those imposed by Hitler?
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Who ruled Germany during the holocaust besides Hitler?

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he just retained the power that he had before the Holocaust.

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There is no current city: The holocaust is over.

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Alois Hitler died on January 3, 1903.

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Where Jews hitler's only scapegoat during the Holocaust?

By the time of the Holocaust Hitler no longer needed a scapegoat. It was during the political campains that Hitler used scapegoats. Yes they were the only ones as what he said about the socialists was arguably true.

Who was president of Germany during the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler was President at the time of the Holocaust. Hitler was made Chancellor and President, this new "role" was called Fuhrer. This is what ultimately made Hitler a Dictator.