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The short term significance would be that it granted citizenship to former slaves the long term would be that it defined citizenship at national level and no longer a state level.

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Q: What were the short or long term consequences of the 14th amendment?
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The concept is called jus soli, which is Latin for "law of the soil". It's the idea that being born on the land of a country makes you a citizen of that country.In the US, for example, jus soli is applied to the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. The 14th says, long story short, that anyone born in US territory and subject to US laws is a US citizen. In the Supreme Court case US v. Wong Kim Ark, the Court ruled that since the 14th Amendment doesn't specify that the parents have to be citizens too, anyone born in the US and subject to US laws (so no diplomats kids- diplomats have "diplomatic immunity" and aren't subject to US law) is automatically a citizen.

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