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The two political ideologies used in the Cold War were democracy and communism. The United States was a democratic country while the Soviet Union was communist Dictatorship. We elected our leaders while they had no choice of who was in charge.

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Q: What were the two political ideologies used in the cold war and how did they differ from each other?
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The two opposing ideologies that waged the Cold War and created two major political boundaries were?

The two opposing ideologies that waged the Cold War and created two major political boundaries were Communism and Democracy.

The two opposing ideologies that waged the Cold War and created two major political boundaries were .?

The two opposing ideologies that waged the Cold War and created two major political boundaries were Communism and Democracy.

What reason made the cold war happen?

Mistrust. Difference in political ideologies.

What is an example of political?

A good example of a political war was the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. It was not completely bloodless, but it contrasted two very starkly different ideologies.

What is an example of political war?

A good example of a political war was the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. It was not completely bloodless, but it contrasted two very starkly different ideologies.

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one is cold and the other is hot

The political ideologies in the cold war?

A state of rivalry and tension between two factions, groups, or individuals that stops short of open, violent confrontation. A little less than the whole truth!

Which phrase best summarizes the conflicting ideologies of the US and the Soviet Union?

Ideologies are almost ALWAYS involved in wars. Other wise there wouldn't have been a war to begin with. The A-Bomb made the cold war. Nothing else. A-Bombs made a war impossible without risking mutual destruction. So it was a COLD WAR. COLD WAR=NO WAR. COLD WAR=Military stand-off

The cold war is about differing ideologies or Economic Supremacy?

It was about economic and military power, as both USA and USSR were capitalist (private vs state capitalism).

What were the 2 opposing idealogies that waged the cold war and created 2 major political boundaries were?

The two opposing ideologies that waged the Cold War were capitalism and communism. Capitalism, represented by the United States and its allies, advocated for free-market economies and individual liberties. Communism, represented by the Soviet Union and its allies, promoted state-controlled economies and the abolition of private property. These ideologies led to the creation of two major political boundaries: the Iron Curtain in Europe, dividing communist Eastern Europe from capitalist Western Europe, and the Korean Demilitarized Zone, separating North and South Korea.

What was a grand struggle between two opposing ideologies without actual fighting?

Cold War.

The Cold War was also a conflict between which two vastly different ideologies?

Democracy and Communism.