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never give cheese to an old lady.

Pickles make you have pet pigs!

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Q: What were two codes in Hammurabi's code?
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Related questions

Why was hammurabis code a major step to humankind?

It was the first codes of law codified in sub categories.

Was Hammurabis laws called code because they were written in secret language?

No, the word "code" in this usage refers to a written set of rules and regulations, not any reference to secret codes.

Hammurabis Code was?

Historians found it to be just.

Who is the author hammurabis code of laws?

King Hammurabi

When was hammurabis code made?

it was carved in 1772 BC.

In general terms what is hammurabis code?

lupita garcia

Was Hammurabis Code fair to the accused?

As a matter of fact, it was.

Was hammurabis code unfair?

Historians found it to be just.

What type of writing was the hammurabis code?

certain writing ;)

How did hammurabis code affect the US declaration?

Not the Declaration but the Constitution which follows the principles from the Hammurabi code.

Sentence with the word Code of Hammurabi?

hammurabis code was the first first written code of laws in the history of the world.

Why was the publication of hammurabis code an achievement?

That dates back to about 1754 BC.