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The colonies were founded because countries wanted to expand , The King would also make a profit off of the colonies. Groups like the Quakers (yes like quaker oats!) would come to "the New World" because they wanted religious freedom ( it wasn't like they were perfect everyone wanted them out because they were really anoying!). Colonists also came to America because they wanted to becaome rich off of selling foreign goods to their mother country.

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The founding of English colonies in the New World were done for a variety of reasons:

* in the case of the Pilgrims, or also known as the Puritans, they founded a colony at Plymouth Rock for religious freedom;

* in the case of Jamestown, the primary purpose was to grow tobacco on large farms or plantations for tobacco products. They were sponsored by a private company under the auspices of the British Crown;

* in some cases the colonies were used to remove colonies of other European rivals. As example, the Dutch colonies were taken over by the British. This happened in what became New York City, Maryland and places in New Jersey; and

* the British saw France as a rival and wanted to set up colonies in order to thwart France from gaining too much power in the Western Hemisphere.

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religious freedom

desire to own land

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becuz they were noobs

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to increase there wealth and power.

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Q: What were two main reasons why English settlers started colinies in north America?
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Why did English settlers come to America?

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